Newport, West Wales, May 2001

Energy was our first Youth Exchange and brought together emerging artists from Wales and Denmark to develop a Sensory Labyrinth Theatre.

We first sensitised ourselves to the forests, cliffs, hills and beaches and then created instillations in the memorial hall which were connected to make the labyrinth.

“A real adventure and a rare and true experience.  A journey to a place where my eyes cannot see.”

“You have opened my eyes.”

“…I felt I had crossed a huge divide, I came out the other side happier and joyful.”

“So this is where art and healing meet.  I’ve been hoping to find you.”

“I feel so much better than when I went in.”

“Today I erased past daemons and felt safe.”

“I feel relaxed and inspired.  It was absolutely amazing.”

“…great, fantastic and breathtaking.”

“…alive, smiling, grateful.  A wondrous journey.”

“Spellbound…as if waking from a dream, a magical experience…writing is too separate, not part of the labyrinth…it exists in a different world.”

“I feel nothing I can say in words right now.”

“My children told me afterwards that it was only pretend but it didn’t seem so to me!”

“A journey not just of simple fun and joy but touching our grief and compassion.” 

“I could see my whole life.”

“I thought I had stepped into heaven.”

“What a relief to rediscover the source.”

“I have a smile on my face which won’t go away!” 

”Speechless!!” from a BBC Radio Producer